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Reboot Plus Program

Reboot Plus is a youth education and career development program delivered in partnership by Douglas College and PEERs Employment and Education Resources, and supported by the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce

The Langley Chamber is proud to be a partner of the Reboot Plus Program, which aims to help vulnerable youth develop career paths so they can be a successful part of our local workforce.

The Langley Chamber is seeking professionals and business owners who would be willing to offer their time for 30-60 minute informational interviews to help provide these youth with ideas, inspiration and information about possible career options.  Youth participants obtain an understanding of their careers of interest and the world of work,  build confidence speaking to professionals, and begin to develop a network. -- all things which will help them become successful parts of our future workforce!

How to Get Involved:

More than 300 professionals are part of the program so far -- join them!

We are looking for professionals from a broad range of occupations who are willing to give 30 – 60 minutes and share about their career or sector.

In these informational interviews, professionals will share their own career development experiences and provide career insights, a sense of the current labour market, and an idea of the skills, education and experience required to join their sector.

A member of the Reboot Plus Program team connects with each professional to provide information and guidance on the youth and the interview process.  The feedback from professionals has been remarkably positive -- this is an engaging experience and we invite you to get involved!

Can you help?  Want more information?  Please contact:
Cory Redekop
Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce  /  604 371 3770


The Reboot Plus project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre.
Le projet Reboot Plus est financé par le Centre des Compétences futures du gouvernement du Canada.

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Reboot Plus Research Report – September 2024

To find out about the impact and results of the Reboot Plus program so far, please see the recently released Reboot Plus Expansion Interim Report.

This interim report, researched and published by Blueprint on behalf of the Future Skills Centre presents early findings from Reboot Plus, a program designed to reengage at-risk youth (aged 17 to 24) in education and career development by providing them with training and exposure to post-secondary education (PSE) and the world of work. The project also aims to raise employer awareness of and willingness to engage and employ this demographic. Read the full report here.

Five Reasons Why Professionals Should Provide Informational Interviews for Youth

If you could change the life of a youth in as little as 30-60 minutes, would you?

For Ram Sundar, the answer is yes. A man of many talents: a Professional Engineer, a published author, business owner, and a body language coach, Sundar was driven to give youth an opportunity he wished were available to his younger self.

Be The Mentor You Needed

“I, unfortunately, did not have a mentor and was not exposed to informational interviews. I found myself, a graduate from a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, facing difficulty finding work. In addition to facing a recession while living in Detroit, Michigan, I lacked guidance. With mounting loans and no prospects, I was required to return to India to start again. There, I decided to be my own mentor and made a list of everything that I needed to work on and improve myself professionally and personally. I now have the chance to give youth guidance at the time in their lives they need it to better prepare for their future.

Share What You’ve Learned Along the Way

There is a big disconnect between academia and industry. I learned that universities or colleges are not intended to teach you everything you need to know about industry. Rather, they lay a foundation to open one’s mind to lifelong learning. A program, like Reboot Plus, helps bridge the gap between academia and the corporate world. It provides youth a chance to know themselves more deeply, while helping them polish their work-related skills. It also provides them connections through the networking opportunities provided.

Help Students See the Bigger Picture

I like to work with the end goal in mind. Doing so allows me to examine the steps that are required to attain this goal and to examine related facets along the way. When I’m faced with difficulties or interruptions along the way, I can fall back on the structure that I’ve set out for myself, while appreciating the journey towards my intention.

As students of the Reboot Plus program are exploring their interests and abilities, I encourage them to look at the big picture. High school is a step towards a bigger goal; a platform that can help a student step into post-secondary education or life outside of high school. Finding what motivates students helps them set goals and see beyond their current environment.

Be Inspired by Youth

Reboot Plus program has been enriching and inspirational to me, and I am always excited to speak to the students. I certainly recommend other professionals contribute to the success of this program. The students I have met ask very intelligent and insightful questions. They are not afraid to talk about pressing issues in the corporate culture and challenge the way in which I see the world.

Share Your Journey

I have been fortunate in my career journey. I have lived in 5 countries – the US, Netherlands, India, Singapore, and, finally, Canada. I have worked in the Space Program, the high-tech industry, robotics, semiconductor industry, automation, and more. I have a black belt in Six Sigma and LEAN Six Sigma. I am also a business growth specialist, helping business owners improve their revenues. I chair a mastermind group of business owners in Toronto, called Business Round Table. I have enjoyed this meandering journey and continue to set goals as I grow professionally.”